Wool, silk embroidery floss, 4-6” high

Dried Flowers and Wet-Felted Karakul Fiber from All For One, One For All Farm in Goshen, NY. I completed a residency there in 2024 where I used sustainably sourced wool for felting. Karakul Sheep are on the Livestock Conservancy’s “Threatened” list which means there are fewer than 1,000 registered in the US and less than 5,000 globally.

Wet Felted Merino Wool, Sari Silk Waste and Tussah Silk, 21” x 18”
Inspired by the copious amount of flowers at All for One, One for All Farm in Goshen, NY

Wet felted Karakul Sheep Fiber, Merino Wool, Gulf Coast Wool, 13.5” × 13.5” × 2”

Wet Felted Merino Wool, Wire, 18” x 23”x7”
These lilies grow wild all over the farm and although they are not native they date back to the 17th century and spread from Asia to Europe and then North America. I was reminded of how quickly flower blooms come and go. As I was working on this project I went back to look for the lilies and they had already wilted and disappeared.

Wet felted merino wool, sari silk waste, dried flowers from All for One, One for All Farm
6”x 8”x 6”

Wendslydale Fiber, Arabic Gum, 5.5” x 6.5” x 3.5”

Wet felted wool and japanese paper

Wet felted wool, beads and silk muslin, 12” x 9”

Cotton thread and recycled sari silk, Left 2.5” x6” Right 2.5” x 4.5”

Wool, silk embroidery floss, 4-6” high
Dried Flowers and Wet-Felted Karakul Fiber from All For One, One For All Farm in Goshen, NY. I completed a residency there in 2024 where I used sustainably sourced wool for felting. Karakul Sheep are on the Livestock Conservancy’s “Threatened” list which means there are fewer than 1,000 registered in the US and less than 5,000 globally.
Wet Felted Merino Wool, Sari Silk Waste and Tussah Silk, 21” x 18”
Inspired by the copious amount of flowers at All for One, One for All Farm in Goshen, NY
Wet felted Karakul Sheep Fiber, Merino Wool, Gulf Coast Wool, 13.5” × 13.5” × 2”
Wet Felted Merino Wool, Wire, 18” x 23”x7”
These lilies grow wild all over the farm and although they are not native they date back to the 17th century and spread from Asia to Europe and then North America. I was reminded of how quickly flower blooms come and go. As I was working on this project I went back to look for the lilies and they had already wilted and disappeared.
Wet felted merino wool, sari silk waste, dried flowers from All for One, One for All Farm
6”x 8”x 6”
Wendslydale Fiber, Arabic Gum, 5.5” x 6.5” x 3.5”
Wet felted wool and japanese paper
Wet felted wool, beads and silk muslin, 12” x 9”
Cotton thread and recycled sari silk, Left 2.5” x6” Right 2.5” x 4.5”