About Jenny Torino
I am an interdisciplinary artist incorporating the natural sciences to increase knowledge and appreciation of a living ecosystem. I primarily use fibers such as felting wool, textiles, yarn and paper mâché to create felt sculptures and interactive spaces. I focus on small living things and patterns in nature that often get overlooked. I allow myself to work slowly, leading to hyperfocus on shape, form and color. Focusing on these details becomes a meditation.
My felted sculpture highlights the connection between artist & material and art & the ecosystem. Familiarity and intimate connection with every stage of wool production is part of my process. My work also involves supporting and building community by using materials from small farms and sharing knowledge of the felting process and accessible agriculture.
Torino:Margolis Performace Art: Since 2001, Benjamin Margolis and I have used sound synthesis, invasive electronics and biomedical tools to explore the idea that the self is transient, elusive and modular by playing with the notion of control and free will. Torino:Margolis has performed at the Rhode Island School of Design, Postmasters Gallery, Exit Art, Columbia University’s MACY Gallery, Piksel Festival (Bergen, Norway) and Issue Project Room.
CONTACT: jennytorino@mac.com
Photographs of Torino:Margolis courtesy of Hannah Maxwell, Kamau Mucoki, Tara DiGiovanni, Philip Sterns and Joshua Deaner